What's on the Cards This Month?
Mars (reversed), Virgo, 7th Mansion of Life (reversed)
This December, the celestial guidance combines the energies of
- Mars (The ‘What’ – self-awareness)
- Virgo (The ‘How’ – healing, integrating and practical)
- 7th Mansion of Life (The ‘Where’ – relationships)
This combination of energies asks you to reassess your relationships with others and transform lingering conflicts into opportunities for healing and integrity.
The planet Mars (reversed) in the zodiacal sign Virgo in the 7th mansion of life (reversed) invites you to take the opportunity to reflect, recalibrate and restore harmony within your relationships by addressing tensions and being open to healing.
Turning Conflict Into Insight
With Mars reversed on the celestial cards this month, the normally assertive and outward energy shifts inward, giving focus to the hidden tensions and unresolved conflicts.
Instead of viewing this as a time of stagnation (Mars energy not being outwardly focused and driven), see it as an opportunity for introspection.

Ask yourself:
- What is the root of my frustration or anger?
- Where am I holding onto emotions that no longer serve me?
Mars reversed calls for mindful self-awareness. This energy invites you to slow down and reflect before reacting. With Mars in 7th mansion of life, pay extra attention on how, where and why you may be reacting in relationships, you may notice old patterns of defensiveness or passive-aggressiveness surfacing. Rather than avoiding these patterns or judging yourself for them, use this as an opening to learn more about your inner world and as an opportunity to create personal change. Remember, anger and frustration are often messengers – indicating where healing or greater understanding is needed.
Healing Through Precision and Compassion

Virgo, the zodiacal sign of healing and integrity, brings a practical, grounded energy to this month.
Virgo reminds us that healing can take place in small, intentional steps that nurture and restore balance. In the context of relationships, this means paying attention to the finer details – words spoken, habits formed and the small actions you take that build (or break) trust.
Virgo’s influence encourages you to approach healing with both precision and compassion. This includes being honest with yourself about areas where you might be overly critical of others (7th mansion of life). How can you bring more understanding, kindness and forgiveness into your connections?
The Mirror of Relationships
The 7th Mansion of Life, reversed, turns your attention inward, asking you to examine how your external relationships mirror your internal state. When this mansion is upright, it often speaks to the partnerships in your life. However, this month’s its reversal highlights the need to focus on how your inner harmony, or lack thereof, impacts your relationships with others.
Take time to consider the ways your energy influences your relationships. Are you projecting your insecurities and fears on your relationships with others? Have you healed old wounds or are they still dictating how you interact with others, and especially how you feel in your relationships? Any frustration, anger, irritation (Mars reverse) you feel in any of your relationships indicates that your soul is ready and wanting to heal.
The 7th Mansion of Life reversed on the celestial cards this month is a great reminder that every relationship begins with your relationship to yourself. Healing within will radiate outward, transforming not just your personal connections but your sense of purpose and belonging.
Magickal Tips For This Month*
To dynamically work with the energies of Mars (reversed), Virgo, and the 7th Mansion of Life (reversed) energies, consider the following:
- Practical tip #1: Journaling or meditating on moments of conflict can help you uncover deeper truths about your emotions. Ask: What am I truly feeling, and what do I need to let go of?
- Practical tip #2: Consider setting up a ritual for relationship healing. Write down what you want to release, such as misunderstandings or judgments, and what you want to invite, such as trust and mutual respect. Burn or bury this paper as a symbolic act of release, or if you want to take your ritual to another magickal level, conduct the ritual I recommend below.
- Practical tip #3: Engage in self-care practices that deepen your relationship with yourself. This could include meditation, grounding exercises, or simply carving out time to reflect on what nourishes your spirit. If you can, undertake a healing session or program with a healer specialising in soul healing to heal soul wounds.
This Month’s
Magickal Intention
"To bring healing and harmony to
all my relationships, beginning within myself."
Use this magickal intention with your 3-step or 5-step astromagick ritual this month – see recommended product below.
This Month’s
Magickal Affirmation
"In balance, I find my power anew,
With love and wisdom, I see things through.
As harmony grows, so do I,
With peaceful heart, my soul can fly."
Tips for how to use this magickal affirmation:
- Speak it out loud or silently as many times during the day as you wish. Make sure you feel it as you speak it.
- Write it by hand on a piece of paper and place on your altar.
- Speak it out loud or silently at the end of the your 3-step or 5-step astromagick ritual
This Month's Recommended
Astromagick Formulations
Below is a list of my recommended Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations for this month. You can use these magickal products to help you tap into and unlock the cosmic power of Mars, Virgo, and the 7th Mansion of Life:
How to use:
- You can simply take 3 drops of each elixir under the tongue, burn incense whenever you wish, and use anointing oils throughout the day by placing 3 drops on your inner wrists, rubbing the wrists together and inhaling the fragrance.
- You can draw the symbols of the Mars, Virgo and 7th mansion of life with your index fingers on both of your wrists. You can also ‘dress’ your candles by drawing symbols on them with the anointing oils.
- Mars incense (burn the incense on a charcoal table in a heatproof dish)
Adding a magickal ritual to your day:
- Or you can conduct the 3-step or 5-step astromagick ritual to supercharge your magickal intention.
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Love and Magick

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Creator and author of Eighth Ray Magick® and creator of Porta Alchémica® astromagick formulations

About the Author
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master shamaness, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share ancient wisdom teachings on shamanism, healing and magick to enable you to step into the magick and mystery of your soul and spirit.
If you have heard the call to discover the magick within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to travelling this journey with you.

Living Magickally©
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You can undertake the Medicine Woman Rite of the 12 Celestial Regents© program with 12 sacred rites of passage of the ritual magician to awaken the innate divine powers within you.
These spiritually uplifting rites enhance your capacity to solve the great mystery through penetrating the secrets of the great book of nature with its ‘12 Magical Seals of Revelation’. It is these magical seals that give access to the powers and expression of your true magical self.