I now have freedom to be all that I was born to be

“I was resistant to enrol in the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program; however; every night in dream time I would dream I was alone; the last one in the line; left behind; lonely; doors shutting me out. I was gifted a reading by a clairvoyant and all cards had books! I got fed up with being left behind and lonely at night in my dreams and so I enrolled in the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program. There were no more dreams of being left behind.

I realised that what was blocking me joining the program initially was my ignorance, narrow minded vision and inability to communicate and translate spirit with clarity, faith and trust. Once I enrolled; the abundance of the universe was revealed and the law of attraction applied.

Before doing this program, I was not believing in myself: I would seek others’ opinions; and then rely on and follow their perceived direction. Within this program I acquired a higher level of self-realisation that empowered me to release the shackles that bound me to the ignorance, resulting from accepting the limitations of appearance as being all there is.

I now KNOW: there are many pathways to manifest that which my heart desires. A room full of love has no space for negativity. A vision full of wishes, dreams and joy has no space available for doubt.

I now have freedom to be all that I was born to be. My life changed on a cellular consciousness level with universal magic that awoke my divine purpose as I was invited to discover the deeper secrets of the great word of power that is ‘relationship’.

I have acquired a higher level of appreciation for all that I am and have. I have knowing that whatever my heart desires with right relationships; there are energies, vibrations and frequencies perpetually omnipresent and ever ready to come to my assistance. With that knowing: I am able to stand and express my truth for others to grow and evolve.”

Peggy Rangi
Kaiwaka, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber