I really enjoyed the pace of the program

“The benefits from completing the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program were so multi layered. My consciousness shifted, my thoughts were highlighted so I could see and feel how I was operating (and thankfully over time I got to apply new principles to make change). Having an awareness of my physical body and all my feelings and energy that flows within me – I began to acknowledge and honour this within myself. My life will be forever changed as the personal transformation was essential for me to move forward. My instinct said ‘yes’ to the program without even really finding out too much in advance.

Prior to undertaking this program I was not in my body, I was not listening to myself, I was not taking the time to witness and move through things for myself. This is a continual journey for me – embodiment – the program showed me this BIG time, I feel a lot more committed to myself and my beautiful heart. I do know one thing for sure…. the master teacher plant essences work their magic, even after the program.

I loved the support I received in the online school, there was a feeling of connection and being held. I really enjoyed the pace of the program and that the ‘virtual space’ felt clear and clean at all times – that was really important for me – no astral spaghetti!

I had no doubt at all about joining this program and the reasonable pricing is what really made it a YES for me. I had mild concerns about using an online portal for a practical and ‘vibration centered’ program …. it took me time to drop into this, but this is just a metaphor for my life so it makes sense. I am a person who thrives more in person with learning, but this was a great experience. And I would repeat the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© again.”

Susanne James
Facilitator and Intuitive, New Zealand

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