Vibrational Medicine
The Power of Holistic Healing
Seven Traumas
There are seven types of fundamental traumas that we can experience. Most people experience more than one. Until the traumas are cleared from our energy field we will attract the same types of scenarios into our life and we will then begin to avoid specific life scenarios and experience greater degrees of pain, sorrow and suffering.
The seven fern essences in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®range help the unconscious mind release negative memories and restore a sense inner freedom, without having to relive or remember the traumatic experience.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® come in 10ml stock bottle.
Place 3 drops of stock essence on the tongue or add to a glass of water. Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.
“The pain I want to clear is…”
- Physical/survival trauma; physical abuse; physical insecurity; accident prone
- Self-preservation; feel alive; present; physically secure
No 37 King Fern
- Emotional/sexual trauma; emotional abuse; emotional insecurity
- Healthy emotional/sexual boundaries; emotionally secure
No 38 Rasp Fern
- Disempowerment trauma; feelings of inadequacy; mental insecurity
- Self-definition; empowered by life experiences
No 39 Shaking Brake Fern
- Heartfelt trauma; rejection; loss of trust; grief; heart-break
- Self-acceptance; self-trust
No 40 Silver Fern
- Humiliation trauma; shame; issues around speaking out, being heard
- Self-respect; feel heard; creative expression
No 41 Prince of Wales Feathers Fern
- Reality trauma; self-doubt; constant turmoil; disillusionment
- Self-reflection; trust my own reality
No 42 Star Fern
- Spiritual trauma; confusion; feel directionless or lost; uncertain; self-destructive
- Self-knowledge; sense of purpose; inner direction
No 43 Plumed Maidenhair Fern