This has been such a life-enhancing experience

“I have enrolled into the Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® because I want to bring deeper healing to my clients. As a long-term natural health practitioner, it’s rejuvenating to have these additional tools to enrich my healing work.

Before I enrolled, I thought time would be a challenge, but it’s great that the courses are self-paced. I have just completed the fifth course, which is the First Light® Plants – Life Enhancement.

After doing this course, I know I will be able to assist my clients on a soul journey level, and it will provide greater insight into the struggles of my clients and where they may be ‘stuck’ in their soul journeys. I want to help them become ‘unstuck’ from situations that are holding them back from the growth of their souls during this life, in which this manifests as emotional or physical wellbeing concerns.

By undertaking this course, I have been able to cement where I am at on my soul journey, and how to assist myself to spiritually make my path forward. Also how to have comfort in knowing I can call upon the earthly and angelic forces to assist when I feel I need clarity along my life’s path. It is easy to forget that we have this ability to draw upon these forces to help us in challenging circumstances, but we are not alone in our soul journeys. It was comforting to be reminded of this ability to call on for assistance.

I have loved how this journey has progressed, not just for helping my clients but also for taking this journey for myself for healing and greater clarity and spiritual connection to myself and the plants and higher powers.

Thank you very much to Franchelle and the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® team for creating the essences and the courses, and supporting us all. This has been such a life-enhancing experience to embrace for my soul’s journey and to share this new found wisdom with others.“

Kathleen Schubert
Naturopathic Doctor, Functional Medicine Practitioner

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber