The House of the Bee Mystery School® Lineage Teachings

The House of the Bee Mystery School® lineage teachings are the contemporary expression of an unbroken lineage of teaching that first arose on Earth on the ancient continent of Lemuria. Providing these lineage teachings is also the response and outworking to a divine directive to democratise the ancient mystery teachings and Hermetic sciences by making them available as a healing modality, spiritual pathway and magical system.

While the House of the Bee Mystery School® is the most ancient mystery school on the planet, it is also a true Aquarian Age mystery school that has always stood and worked for the transformation of the planet and its people.

About the House of the Bee Mystery School®

From an esoteric perspective the credibility of the House of the Bee Mystery School®, like any true mystery school lies in the veracity, relevancy, depth, quality and applicability of its teachings. From an esoteric perspective, the House of the Bee Mystery School®‘s credibility lies in part in its spiritual lineage and inner planes connections that enable its students to enter into the necessary rites of passage or initiations that when passed through lift the person’s consciousness and awareness to a demonstrably higher order of being.

The House of the Bee Mystery School® as custodian of the ancient mysteries is the leading custodian of the love-wisdom teachings. These teachings are all nature based in that they not only work in conjunction with the intelligence of nature and the energies from the natural world, they also all come from observations based on the functioning of the natural world.

High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School® - Custodian of the Ancient Mysteries

Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber is the High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School® and the sole custodian of the ancient lineage teachings of the House of the Bee Mystery School®. These are the original high teachings of the Black Goddess who is the creation Goddess, the source of all.

These high teachings of the Black Goddess, who is the creation Goddess, are the ancient sacred teachings on the powers of nature, vibration, alchemy, magic, ritual, hypnosis and healing. Black being the colour that is symbolically associated with night, that which is hidden, secret or occult and which is connected to the heart of the cosmos and the mystery of creation. The House of the Bee Mystery School® is the sole custodian of the teachings of the Eighth Ray which is the Goddess ray of ritual, magic, relationship and regenesis. Souls who are working with the Eighth Ray are working magically and metaphysically with the power of the Goddess and the unconquerable magic of light to purpose good in the world and to co-create a new way of living and being on the planet.

Souls who are working with the Eighth Ray are working magically and metaphysically with the power of the Goddess and the unconquerable magic of light to purpose good in the world and to co-create a new way of living and being on the planet.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

The House of the Bee Mystery School® Teachings

The House of the Bee Mystery School® teachings and spiritual practices are unique in part because they have re-integrated the three Hermetic sciences of alchemy, astrology and magic back into the single integrated Hermetic science it originally was.

Franchelle makes this information available through the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®, the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® training establishments. 

The House of the Bee Mystery School® is also unique because it presents the ancient wisdom teachings in a totally universal and inclusive recontextualised form that is both relevant and necessary for 21st century requirements.

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber