After hypnotherapy sessions with Franchelle I have felt like all of my questions have been answered

“Each time I have seen Franchelle my outer world has opened up more and more. As an extreme introvert my inner life is very rich however, I have struggled to engage with the outside world. The sacred space that Franchelle creates and holds within each session has allowed me to deeply trust the process and taught me how to do that for myself.

When I had my first session I left with absolute and unquestioning clarity as to my life purpose and what I needed to do to get myself in alignment. I still refer to my notes from that session many years ago and as I get further along my healing journey those keys are continuing to unlock more and more of my potential.

In one of my hypnotherapy sessions with Franchelle the focus was on looking for past lives where I had felt successful (so that I could bring that into the present). We explored four lifetimes, which were distinct and different, and I can feel each of those soul experiences deep in my bones. This session gave me confidence in my wisdom, in my innate talents and my gnosis. They all weaved into what I do in this lifetime, and while I have done the training and received my qualifications, I now have more confidence in my work. I have natural inclinations and knowledge I couldn’t explain or fully trust before and now that I have a context for those gifts I feel less blocked, more inspired and able to engage and develop them.

I will be forever grateful to Franchelle for her direct and strong guidance. She is non-judgemental, generous, insightful and incredibly kind in her delivery of life-changing counsel. She is able to get to the crux of an issue with laser point accuracy and facilitate complete and lasting transformation. After each session I have felt like all of my questions have been answered and I know exactly what I need to do and how to do it.”

Stephanie Young
Medical Herbalist, Naturopath, Tarot & Astrology Reader, Wellware Collections

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber