I now have effective ways to manage my lifestyle as a healer without burning out

“I enrolled in the First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection course as part of my Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy training. I have found learning about First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® to be life changing and I am always excited about learning about this vibrational medicine system. My clients are going to finally get the chance to address the underlying energetic root cause of their issues, and to help raise the vibration of the planet – it’s what we are all here for. As a result of doing this course, I now have a much greater awareness of the challenges healers like myself face, and effective ways to manage our lifestyles without burning out and/or quitting our healing work. I am excited about getting these vibrational medicines out to the world!”

Megan Chamberlain
Creative Jewellery Artist and Holistic Therapist, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber