Life-restoring for not just me but my family and friends

“Personally, undertaking this course has been life-changing and life-restoring for not just me but my family and friends. I want to become a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® registered practitioner, so I enrolled in the First Light® Shamanic – The Shamanic Collection as part of my Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy training. Initially I had hesitations because I wondered how I would manage the workload being already committed to other things. I overcame them by going with what source was guiding me to do. I have enjoyed studying the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences more in depth. It has given me an opportunity to view them more from the perspective of how I will be able to apply them to my clients, they are such valuable tools! Professionally I so look forward to getting these essences out there to the masses. The knowledge I have gained is a whole other level that I would not find anywhere else, and it will give my clients a completely new perspective on their holistic health and conditions of the human spirit. I now have a much deeper insight into the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences to assist me in making good decisions about my future, a deepening connection to my shamanic path and tools to undertake a higher level of working shamanically with others. The online school for this study was great!”

Megan Chamberlain
Holistic Therapist and Creative Jewellery Artist, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber