Sacred protective energy that supports me fully

“When I saw the Octopus Blue Sodalite Amulet for the first time I felt drawn to it. The link to Isis Septet through this amulet is what seemed to be calling me. When it arrived to me, holding it in my hand I could sense the magical power and connection to higher sources. When I am wearing this amulet I feel a sacred protective energy that supports me fully and directly links me into a higher power. I feel more empowered, in tune and it brings me into a space of neutrality very quickly. It is like I step into my true magical self whenever I wear this amulet. I feel like my aura shines brighter when I wear it.”

Katrina Nilsen
Hairstylist and Energy Healer, Tauranga, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber