Primary Fear: Fear of failure to intelligently play a constructive role in the unfolding of the divine plan
Notes: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 60 Dragon Leaf has a gentle catalysing effect. Use to release blocks and limiting negative patterns around working for the greater good where humankind works with divinity, the angelic realm, devas, and the natural realm in an intelligent act of co-creation for the greater good. Seeds in and restores to conscious awareness the will-to-good. Aligns one’s personal mind with divine mind so that one can have a more universal awareness, identify with the whole, and have an intelligent objective overview of the greater picture or plan. Helps one understand, practically apply, and become a living embodiment of the spiritual principle of divine mind in one’s daily life. Use to clear the genetic lineage consisting of both past lives and the family line and to release karmic blocks and negative patterns around working co-operatively for the good of all. Use to facilitate a personal awakening by releasing limiting core foundational life patterns that prevent the expression of divine mind in one’s life.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Nature's Holistic Healing Matrix©
A universal award-winning vibrational medicine system for holistic healing and natural wellbeing
- Place 3 drops of stock essence on the tongue or add to a glass of water.
- Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.
- Add 5ml or a teaspoon of brandy (cider vinegar if preferred) to a 20-25ml glass dropper bottle and fill with pure spring water.
- Add 3 drops of the stock essence. Up to eight flower essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No's 1-84 range can be used to make up a blend. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 0 Black Orchid can be added to any blend.
- Place 2-4 drops from the flower essence blend bottle on the tongue 3-4 times a day or as required.
- Flower essence blends should be used within 4-6 weeks.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are made in accordance with ancient protocols and using a proprietary process. They are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.
Each flower essence in this set contains an aqueous botanical solution of a specific New Zealand native plant and grape alcohol solution.
- 100% natural
- Animal and plant cruelty free
- Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
- Carefully made in New Zealand from New Zealand native plants