No 44 Kahikatea



Positive outcome: Base chakra. Stable; self-sufficient; grounded; structured; feels supported, safe and secure.

Negative condition: Addiction to security; materialistic; overly strict routines; avoids responsibilites; feels unsupported.

Chakra: Base chakra

Associated Planet: Saturn

Notes: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 44 Kahikatea balances, strengthens, protects, energises and clears the base chakra - the centre that regulates our physical responses to life. Facilitates the necessary adjustments at a base chakra level to facilitate the increased vibrational resonance of the Aquarian Age. Use to address a lack of or a diminished sense of self-sufficiency. Use to help one establish stable supportive foundations and structures for a successful life; to help manifest life goals.

Helps one plan and determine what systems, routines, disciplines and structures are necessary to bring dreams and visions into physical reality. Helps one tap into the life force of the Universe and to walk with certainty, confidence and presence on the Earth. Helps one feel master of one’s own destiny and gives a sense of order and dominion over the life. Use when life feels unsafe or uncertain: helps one to feel safe and supported through knowing one’s physical needs will be met.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 44 Kahikatea is one of the seven tree essences in the Personal Power Set. The focus of this set of tree essences is to help correct energetic imbalances.  They help to balance, strengthen and protect the chakras.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No's 44-50 help to restore a natural state of inner stability, balance, ease and personal power, increasing our capacity to deal with a rapidly growing number of 21st-century challenges and influences.

You can learn more about the chakras, the holistic healing benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No's 44-50 and how to use the award winning vibrational medicine system to empower yourself and help your clients and loved ones in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Trees – Personal Power course.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are gentle and powerful, and they can be used by anyone, including children and animals. Use directly from the stock bottle or make into flower essence blends. Directly from 10ml stock bottle:
  • Place 3 drops of stock essence on the tongue or add to a glass of water.
  • Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.
Making a flower essence blend:
  • Add 5ml or a teaspoon of brandy (cider vinegar if preferred) to a 20-25ml glass dropper bottle and fill with pure spring water.
  • Add 3 drops of the stock essence. Up to eight flower essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No's 1-84 range can be used to make up a blend. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 0 Black Orchid can be added to any blend.
  • Place 2-4 drops from the flower essence blend bottle on the tongue 3-4 times a day or as required.
  • Flower essence blends should be used within 4-6 weeks.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are made in accordance with ancient protocols and using a proprietary process. They are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.

Each flower essence in this set contains an aqueous botanical solution of a specific New Zealand native plant and grape alcohol solution.

  • 100% natural
  • Animal and plant cruelty free
  • Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
  • Carefully made in New Zealand from New Zealand native plants
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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber