To feel such beauty, power and magic was overwhelming

“It was jolly exciting to receive and open my taonga, the day it arrived from Aotearoa, New Zealand. My first thoughts were ‘this is real’, very much real. To see, touch and feel such beauty, power and magic was overwhelming yet calming to my senses, those ‘many arms I have seen in my dreaming time’ I now hold in my hands is here with me, for me.

Wearing my Te Wheke Clear Quartz Amulet and taking it out into my physical world has been an experience of compliments, stares and a whole lot of questions. I would smile or say ‘thank you’. Going through immigration custom airports domestic and overseas is more relaxing now that I have a trusted and loving ‘best friend’. I wear it with aroha, I wear it with respect, I wear it cause I know it is what it is my strength. And so my story continues today and all the tomorrows.”

Elaine Scoon
Liberated Grandmother, Perth, Australia

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber