Took me to a very deep spiritual place that I did not know existed within me

“I have been a student of the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® for a number of years and have participated sequentially in all the programs offered. Enrolling in the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program was the natural next step on my spiritual journey. I knew at a soul level this was the next step in my spiritual and personal development.

There was a financial consideration when investing in this program, however, as I had participated in previous Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs I was confident that I would find the money and create the time necessary for the program. This turned out to be the case and the investment has been well worth it.

Some of the challenges I experienced during the program were ensuring the daily ritual was performed, meditations were listened to and journal entries were kept up to date. I was able to resolve these challenges, as well as painful emotions that surfaced during the program, by calling on the energies of the particular zodiacal sign, planet and mansion of life I was working with. Calling on the wisdom and help of this energy kept me on track when the going was tough.

Also having the company and inspiration of fellow Medicine Woman travellers in the Medicine Woman online classroom was so very helpful and supportive. Reading about other people’s experiences and reading uplifting comments was very reassuring. I also found linking in with The Celestial Compendium card deck enormously helpful and enlightening as well as watching the incredible videos and reading the written content that is provided as part of the program that is full of magic and is totally spellbinding.

As a result of this program, my spiritual practice is much more grounded and is being expressed in daily life. I feel more at ease within myself and able to express who I am with more ease and confidence. I am more committed to expanding my horizons both personally, professionally and spiritually.

This program taught me that I can be disciplined and committed to performing daily ritual as well as dedicating time and effort to writing in the online journal. I was successful in finding the time, motivation and dedication to adhere to the program’s structure and requirements. This showed me what I am capable of in many aspects of my life that I didn’t know I was capable of.

The Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program took me to a very deep spiritual place that I did not know existed within me. Working alchemically and magically enabled me to know myself better at a very deep level which is proving to be life changing. From this place I can find and maintain a place of neutrality from where I can purpose good in the world. I have found that life has flowed with more ease and I am naturally in the right place at the right time. I have let a lot of old beliefs and baggage go and I feel lighter and clearer on all levels. Life has become more love filled and magical and attuned to cosmic power.

Having journeyed to the centre of love this program has gifted me a more heart felt and compassionate relationship with myself and others. I have become more loving. I lead a more soul and spirit led life and this has transformed my relationship with myself and with others which is so very heartening.

I feel incredibly grateful and blessed to have had the opportunity to complete this program at this time. It has certainly been an archetypal hero’s journey and I have come through the journey very well equipped with cosmic power and cosmic love to meet the challenges of 21st century life.”

Tessa Jonassen
Holistic Practitioner Auckland, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber