Total transformation

“Undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program helped me to experience the total transformation of my mind and my life. I am able to see life experiences through the eyes of a master shaman. I have gained strength in all areas which allows me to be a valuable team member in any role I choose. I walk the path also as an occupational therapist and this training allows me to help people on a deeper level.

I have experienced changes on every level of my life, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, work colleague. My business has flourished and I am now developing workshops and expansion on every level of my life. My life has truly become magical. I meet/draw people too me that require my help – this is always a two-way exchange. I have now run my first retreat. I am in the throws of planning more. My life has changed for the better. I feel more solid as a person and lack fear. This journey is truly transformational.”

Lizzie Nicolson
Occupational Therapist, UK

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber