House of the Bee Mystery School©

Are You Plagued by Indecision? Stuck at a Crossroad Moment in Life?

One of the common issues I see people struggling with is being unable to make a decision when faced with two options or multiple choices. Whether it involves relationships choices, career choices, location choices, in fact any important life choices, the reality is that for the majority of people it is often incredibly stressful and creates anxiety. The reason for the stress around making decisions of a major nature is because people are trying to make the decision by using their emotions or their mind.

The reality is that it is the soul that we must look to in these matters to assist us to make the appropriate choice and to make our next informed move when we meet these crossroad moments in life.

But that is not what usually happens.

Instead, in these crossroad type of situations most people will engage their mind or their emotions and, in the process, find themselves stuck and unable to move forward.

Being Stuck at a Crossroad Is Such a Difficult Thing for the Soul

As a result, a person is feeling pulled in this and that direction. They don’t know which way to go.

They can’t make a decision.

Or, they make a decision and then they change their mind. Then they change their mind again.

And again.

Back and forth, back and forth they go stuck between choices, not getting anywhere. Feeling more and more anxiety and indecisiveness, trapped and stuck in uncertainty.

‘Should I do this or should I do that?’ 

‘I want to do it, but…’ 

Only the Soul Knows Which Way It Needs to Go

Some people solicit the advice from their friends and family.

Of course, that makes things even more complicated because everyone has an opinion, but, at the end of the day, only the soul knows which way it needs to go.

A Roadblock on the Soul’s Journey

This kind of juggling act is very much a Roadblock on the soul’s journey to true success, joy and fulfillment.

It is exhausting for the soul.

In fact, it is paralyzing for the soul.

It can keep the soul stuck in limbo for months and even years.

The Devil

Why You Are Feeling Chained and Not Going Anywhere

One of the common issues I see people struggling with is being unable to make a decision when faced with two options or multiple choices. Whether it involves relationships choices, career choices, location choices, in fact any important life choices, the reality is that for the majority of people it is often incredibly stressful and creates anxiety. The reason for the stress around making decisions of a major nature is because people are trying to make the decision by using their emotions or their mind.

The reality is that it is the soul that we must look to in these matters to assist us to make the appropriate choice and to make our next informed move when we meet these crossroad moments in life.

But that is not what usually happens.

Instead, in these crossroad type of situations most people will engage their mind or their emotions and, in the process, find themselves stuck and unable to move forward.

Being Stuck at a Crossroad Is Such a Difficult Thing for the Soul

As a result, a person is feeling pulled in this and that direction. They don’t know which way to go.

They can’t make a decision.

Or, they make a decision and then they change their mind. Then they change their mind again.

And again.

Back and forth, back and forth they go stuck between choices, not getting anywhere. Feeling more and more anxiety and indecisiveness, trapped and stuck in uncertainty.

‘Should I do this or should I do that?’ 

‘I want to do it, but…’ 

Only the Soul Knows Which Way It Needs to Go

Some people solicit the advice from their friends and family.

Of course, that makes things even more complicated because everyone has an opinion, but, at the end of the day, only the soul knows which way it needs to go.

A Roadblock on the Soul’s Journey

This kind of juggling act is very much a Roadblock on the soul’s journey to true success, joy and fulfillment.

It is exhausting for the soul.

In fact, it is paralyzing for the soul.

It can keep the soul stuck in limbo for months and even years.

The Devil

Why You Are Feeling Chained and Not Going Anywhere

On this card we see, a male figure on the right, a female figure on the left and a creature in the centre above both male and female. The male figure represents the personality aspect of ourselves. The female figure represents the soul aspect.

What is obvious by looking at this card is that the personality, is not looking at the soul and so the person is feeling stuck, chained and not going anywhere.

Well, that’s what happens when a person is trying to make a decision using their mind without having connection with their soul.

They can’t make a decision.
Because the personality is limited. It is limited by fears, negative conditioning, family and societal programming, limiting beliefs and so on. The personality self, when it is not connected to the soul, keeps us smaller than who we truly are.

Who you truly are is a magnificent radiant multi-dimensional being on a magical, fantastic, exciting and exhilarating journey of growth and evolution.

The Lovers

Making Powerful Soul Based Choices How to Know Which Way to Go

The Major trump card No 6 The Lovers has the same two figures, male and female, and instead of the creature we see an angel, representing Spirit.

On this card, the personality is looking at the soul and the soul is looking up at Spirit. This is the perfect dynamic for making any decisions in our life.

When we are connected to our soul, we know exactly the decision we need to make and which way we need to go.

We do not need to ask anyone else for direction.

We can trust ourselves to make the best decision for ourselves in any given moment and in any given situation.

Making Soul Based Choices

If you find yourself stuck at ‘the crossroads’ and you would like to change that, at my upcoming HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach Certificate Training, I will teach you how you can create a strong connection with your own soul so that you never feel stuck again, when it comes to making soul based choices.

And so that you can make decisions about anything easily and confidently.

You will learn how to do this for yourself in your own life and help others in a professional capacity as a qualified Soul Coach.

Join me in person as I share with you soul-based tools and techniques to help you leave behind indecision and the old ‘stuck at the crossroad’ reality, and instead be able to confidently make important life decisions.

The ability to make confident soul based decisions is a vital key to success.

It enables you to make powerful choices you can trust and to take full advantage of life’s amazing opportunities that lead you to a sense of true success and fulfilment.

Unlock the Power of Soul

Create Success in Your Life and in the Lives of Others

HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach Certificate Training

What you will learn in this training:
  • Discover the 12 reasons why people do not achieve their goals or realise their full potential, and how you can help your clients to overcome these
  • Learn how to harness and direct the untapped potential of the soul to create rapid and profound changes in the subconscious and unconscious minds
  • Learn how to identify your unique Master Keys to Success – the vital keys that unlock your potential and enable you to alter your reality
  • How to move beyond your self-imposed limitations to live the life your dream about
  • How to work with the unlimited power of your soul to create more abundance, success, love and achieve your dreams and desires 
  • Plus much more

3-Day Residential Workshop Retreat
Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand
Thurs 12th Oct, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday 13th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Saturday 14th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday 15th Oct, 9:00am to 4:00pm

Space are filling up fast. Book yours now!

I look forward to seeing you there. 

In L.V.X.

About the Author

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master soul healer, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share wisdom teachings to enable you to step into the magic and mystery of infinite possibilities and your limitless potential.

If you have heard the call to discover the magic within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to connecting with you.

The Raven Chronicles

By Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and Anthony Wyber

Spiritual Wisdom, Insight and Knowledge

The Raven Chronicles© provide a written factual and detailed spiritual, magical and occult account about why things are ordered as they are in the temporal reality that is the fabric of space-time.

The information provided in the Raven Chronicles© is designed to deepen and broaden your perception and understanding as to what is real and assist you to come to know what reality truly is.

Learn more



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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber