Healing with Franchelle


Manifestation Ritual To Breathe Life and Soul into Family Relationships

SPELL: To Attract Love and Harmonious Relationships

Bring Your Biggest Dreams into Reality ~ Celestial Oracle #436 – April 2024

Manifestation Ritual Bring Your Biggest Dreams into Reality

Create a Magickal Shield of Protection Around You – Eighth Ray Shield of the Elements Anointing Ritual

Call Forth Your Soul’s True Path and Life Purpose ~ Eighth Ray Magick Manifestation Ritual©

Expand Your Horizons to Discover Your Soul’s True Purpose ~ Celestial Oracle #435 – March 2024

Healing Identity Wounds & Patterns of Self-Undoing – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

Put Energy into New Skills to Increase Prosperity ~ Celestial Oracle #434– February 2024

Find Your Special Role in the World ~ Celestial Oracle #433 – January 2024

Chiron’s Arrow of Abundance Ritual Spell – Ritual Spellcasting

Follow Your Soul’s Promptings ~ Celestial Oracle #432 – December 2023

Healing the Misuse or Abuse of Power in Family Dynamics – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

Time to Look Within to Radiate Your Light Outwards ~ Celestial Oracle #431 – November 2023

Spiritual Transformation Ritual for the Purification of Air and to Assist the Element of Air

Sending Out a Spiritual Call to Humanity to Release Patterns of Conflict – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual

It’s Time To Step Up – Get Your Soul Involved ~ Celestial Oracle #430 – October 2023

Releasing Fear of Taking Initiative and Stepping Out into the World – Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual: Aries

Pisces: Keywords, Colours and Crystals – Zodiacal Correspondences

Aquarius: Keywords, Colours and Crystals – Zodiacal Correspondences

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I shared this information recently with my newsletter subscribers and in my community group and I want to share it here too because some of you may not know this.

I tune into each individual soul in the group of students that enrols into the live training with me. 🌟🕯️

Spirit then works through me 🪈to deliver the teachings that are needed for the souls that seek knowledge. 📚

The souls that attend the live training with me are, in some sense, representative of all those souls who will be coming afterwards seeking deeper mystery school teachings on healing. 🏛️❤️‍🩹

I am very much looking forward to connecting soul-to-soul with those of you who will be attending my upcoming live online 💻 for the Level 3: Diploma in Esoteric Hypnotherapy - Healing the Spirit© training on 9, 10 and 11 August 2024 on zoom.

It is going to be a truly life-transforming and spiritually-uplifting 3 days!
If you'd like to learn more about this training visit: esoterichypnosis.com/esoteric-hypnotherapy-diploma-training/
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I shared this information recently with my newsletter subscribers and in my community group and I want to share it here too because some of you may not know this.  

I tune into each individual soul in the group of students that enrols into the live training with me. 🌟🕯️

Spirit then works through me 🪈to deliver the teachings that are needed for the souls that seek knowledge. 📚

The souls that attend the live training with me are, in some sense, representative of all those souls who will be coming afterwards seeking deeper mystery school teachings on healing. 🏛️❤️‍🩹

I am very much looking forward to connecting soul-to-soul with those of you who will be attending my upcoming live online 💻 for the Level 3: Diploma in Esoteric Hypnotherapy - Healing the Spirit© training on 9, 10 and 11 August 2024 on zoom.

It is going to be a truly life-transforming and spiritually-uplifting 3 days!
If youd like to learn more about this training visit: https://esoterichypnosis.com/esoteric-hypnotherapy-diploma-training/

One of the topics that I covered at my recent live online training was the magickal power of intention.
In the House of the Bee Mystery School© lineage teachings to intend is a magickal thing - and that is magick with a 'k' because what I am talking about here is magick for a healing outcome, not sleight of hand magic. 🎩🐰

When you hold the intention to heal ❤️‍🔥, and through harnessing the power of your thought processes and your imagination 💭, you can forge a new reality, a new story for your soul.
It is only by working at the level of soul and in cooperation with soul that new realities, new stories can be created. The result: your life will be irrevocably transformed in a positively magickal, profound and lasting way. 🪄

I will be sharing more in-depth and advanced esoteric hypnosis healing techniques for addressing the spiritual root cause of issues such as pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, moral injury and more in my upcoming live 3 day Level 3: Diploma in Esoteric Hypnotherapy - Healing the Spirit© online training 9, 10 and 11 August 2024. If you would like to find out more about this training, please visit esoterichypnosis.com/esoteric-hypnotherapy-diploma-training/
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One of the topics that I covered at my recent live online training was the magickal power of intention. 
In the House of the Bee Mystery School© lineage teachings to intend is a magickal thing - and that is magick with a k because what I am talking about here is magick for a healing outcome, not sleight of hand magic. 🎩🐰
When you hold the intention to heal ❤️‍🔥, and through harnessing the power of your thought processes and your imagination 💭, you can forge a new reality, a new story for your soul. 
It is only by working at the level of soul and in cooperation with soul that new realities, new stories can be created. The result: your life will be irrevocably transformed in a positively magickal, profound and lasting way. 🪄

I will be sharing more in-depth and advanced esoteric hypnosis healing techniques for addressing the spiritual root cause of issues such as pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, moral injury and more in my upcoming live 3 day Level 3: Diploma in Esoteric Hypnotherapy - Healing the Spirit© online training 9, 10 and 11 August 2024. If you would like to find out more about this training, please visit https://esoterichypnosis.com/esoteric-hypnotherapy-diploma-training/

I was going through one of the many many folders on my computer the other day and came across this photo of me lighting the candles 🕯️on the altar at the 13th Medicine Woman Workshop, Retreat and Annual Gathering at Tauhara Retreat Centre in 2019.
It was a beautiful reminder of the many incredible souls who I have had the joy and honour to cross paths with and to sit in the sacred teaching circle with over the years.
While we are all always connected in spirit, if you have been at one of these gatherings or any of my in-person training courses, workshops or gatherings, please drop a ❤️ in the comments so we can all link in with each other here. 🐝
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I was going through one of the many many folders on my computer the other day and came across this photo of me lighting the candles 🕯️on the altar at the 13th Medicine Woman Workshop, Retreat and Annual Gathering at Tauhara Retreat Centre in 2019. 
It was a beautiful reminder of the many incredible souls who I have had the joy and honour to cross paths with and to sit in the sacred teaching circle with over the years. 
While we are all always connected in spirit, if you have been at one of these gatherings or any of my in-person training courses, workshops or gatherings, please drop a ❤️ in the comments so we can all link in with each other here. 🐝

This morning on a zoom call with my students I covered marketing, which is a huge issue for many healers who find themselves struggling with this.

For many healers, this stems from a deep-rooted fear of judgement, past life memories of persecution or being punished or even killed for speaking up.

Dear healer, I want you to know that you are here at this time for a reason, and your healing gifts and services are so very much needed by those souls who you agreed to help. 🕯

I am 1000% committed to supporting you by providing the leading edge tools and trainings that enable you to become the healer that you were born to be.
You are a star here to shine brightly and been seen.🌟This morning Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber delivered a BUSINESS AND MARKETING FOR HEALERS session for her students: Developing Confidence and Clarity in Promoting Your Services as a Healer and Practitioner.

During this session Franchelle touched on some of the common blocks that healers encounter when it comes to promoting their services, WHY these blocks exist, and HOW 🛠 they can be successfully cleared using the techiniques taught in the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®.

Students will be buddying up in our community group to swap esoteric hypnosis healing sessions with each other ... 🤩Aaaah that feeling when your soul knows it has arrived to the right place where it can finally liberate itself from the old baggage 🧳and express itself freely in the world.

After this session the students said:

😍 "I feel ignited to promote my soul healing work."
😍 "I am excited to finally get my website up and going to let the world know that I work with esoteric hypnosis."

If you are one of our practitioners or students and were not able to be at the live session today, you will DEFINITELY want to watch the replay - it's being dropped in the Online School today!

We cannot wait to see how you are going to use this gold 🏆 to take your client practice to a whole new level and help more people! 🚀
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This morning on a zoom call with my students I covered marketing, which is a huge issue for many healers who find themselves struggling with this.  

For many healers, this stems from a deep-rooted fear of judgement, past life memories of persecution or being punished or even killed for speaking up. 

Dear healer, I want you to know that you are here at this time for a reason, and your healing gifts and services are so very much needed by those souls who you agreed to help. 🕯

I am 1000% committed to supporting you by providing the leading edge tools and trainings that enable you to become the healer that you were born to be.
You are a star here to shine brightly and been seen.🌟
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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber