One of the most powerful self-reflecting things I have done

“I always have hesitations before doing any kind of study, but I was so interested to learn about First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, I enrolled into the Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy training.

In the First Light® Plants – Life Enhancement course I have really connected with the plant essence learnings. It has put everything I thought I knew into order.

This course has been one of the most powerful self-reflecting things I have done. I feel like I understand myself a whole lot better.

I have seen changes in all areas of my life. Spiritually – I am working on being able to receive messages in different ways, and I now trust what I do receive! I have been using the essences and I feel more balanced with my emotions. After learning about the plant essences I feel they will support me figuring out my career journey from this point on.

I have felt very supported in the First Light® Online School. Any questions I had were quickly answered, and the feedback from the submitted modules was easy to follow.

Usually I never believe in myself and don’t think it is worth me doing this or that because ‘I will never be any good’. During the study I took my First Light® Constitutional Essence Blend© and after this course I have the self-confidence and the knowing that I have the essences to support me through my journey.

Thank you very much for your very powerful Knowledge!!!”

Rachael Doble
Receptionist at a Social Work Agency, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber