The Fern Collection – Boxed Set

Life Trauma Set


This beautiful boxed set contains the full First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Fern Collection with seven fern essences No’s 37-43. There are seven types of fundamental traumas that we can experience and most people suffer from a combination of them. The seven native fern essences address these traumas and work on the respective layers of the aura.

Save NZ$28.00 the cost of one 10ml stock bottle when you purchase the Fern Collection Boxed Set, instead of buying each essence individually.


The human aura is a multi-layered energetic structure or energy field that surrounds us. It perfectly reflects our state of being on a physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Equally the state or condition of our aura will directly and indirectly influence our thoughts and emotions. It holds within it the influences of everything we have ever experienced. Consequently any unresolved traumas of any type or degree will continue to exist, held within our aura.

The seven First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences in the Life Trauma Set are a complete aura clearing kit. They have a clearing and restorative effect on the whole energy field and can be used for daily aura maintenance. They can also be used for mild to severe aura pollution or congestion. They work to clear away life trauma, hurt and pain and can be used to free ourselves from deep seated traumas. They can be used to ensure that a river of pure life force or 'chi' circulates through our being as nature intended. This flowing river of life force also expands our perceptive abilities. Aura maintenance and repair is a prerequisite for holistic wellbeing in the 21st century.

For in-depth information about the Life Trauma Set and for individual First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43 please refer to The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume 1 and the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Ferns – Life Trauma course.

The focus of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37-43, which comprise the Life Trauma Set is on the aura. They help to clear away impacts of trauma, hurt and pain and can be used to free ourselves from deep seated traumas. This is the second aspect of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Nature’s Holistic Healing Matrix©.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No's 37-43 help to restore a natural state of harmony so we can live a life free from pain, grief and suffering. You can learn more about the aura, the holistic healing benefits of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No's 37-43 and how to use the award winning vibrational medicine system to empower yourself and help your clients and loved ones in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Ferns – Life Trauma course.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Nature's Holistic Healing Matrix©

Award-winning vibrational medicine system for holistic healing and natural wellbeing

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are gentle and powerful, and they can be used by anyone, including children and animals. Use directly from the stock bottle or make into flower essence blends. Directly from 10ml stock bottle:

  • Place 3 drops of stock essence on the tongue or add to a glass of water.
  • Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.
Making a flower essence blend:
  • Add 5ml or a teaspoon of brandy (cider vinegar if preferred) to a 20-25ml glass dropper bottle and fill with pure spring water.
  • Add 3 drops of the stock essence. Up to eight flower essences from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No's 1-84 range can be used to make up a blend. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 0 Black Orchid can be added to any blend.
  • Place 2-4 drops from the flower essence blend bottle on the tongue 3-4 times a day or as required.
  • Flower essence blends should be used within 4-6 weeks.

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are made in accordance with ancient protocols and using a proprietary process. They are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.

Each flower essence in this set contains an aqueous botanical solution of a specific New Zealand native plant and grape alcohol solution.

  • 100% natural
  • Animal and plant cruelty free
  • Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
  • Carefully made in New Zealand from New Zealand native plants
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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber