Tangible results in all areas of my life

“I have experienced tangible results in all areas of my life after undertaking the First Light® Ferns – Life Trauma course. The one that is the most important is spiritual. I loved the reminders of why these fern essences are so important to work with in our lives, particularly when working to address the 10-part cycle of grief. Doing this course again has given me an awareness of what I can do to deepen my connection with my constitutional fern essence – First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 42 Star Fern so that I can deepen my connection with spirit. Some of the challenges I encountered were making sure I could get my study done in time. I overcame this by doing a question or reading notes each week and then bringing it all together. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are amazing essences to work with and I thank you for making the courses available online especially during these lockdown times.”

Annette Aughton
Flower Essence Therapist, Auckland, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber