Working with Franchelle has been a vital part of establishing myself as a professional

“Franchelle has been a mentor and guide for me since my early twenties – around 15 years now. She has played a pivotal role in supporting many of my most important life path processes and has been there in some of my deepest times of growth and change. Working with Franchelle is more for me than what any words can convey, as it feels like having a spiritual ally whom I have known far beyond these times. It is a powerful meeting between earth, the heavens and stars.

The utmost care and depth that Franchelle has brought to our hypnotherapy sessions and beyond has meant that I have felt always deeply seen and touched at a level of soul. Franchelle is a powerful ally on the path, as we all walk and take our individual steps amidst these truly catalysing times. Her very special gifts and long experience with this work mean that there is the open gateway to profound inner work each time.

Working with Franchelle has been a vital part of establishing myself as a professional and in creating The Women School, my body of work, as well as in my personal healing.”

Jaguar Star (Yolande Alice Carrell)
Founder of the Women School, Germany

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber