Follow Your Soul’s Promptings ~ Celestial Oracle #432 – December 2023

Celestial Oracle

Live Magickally in Alignment with the Cosmic Tides of Power

What's on the Cards This Month?

Be Playful, Create a Healthy Emotional Bond With Others

The Moon, with its ethereal radiance, silently and subtly influences our instinct to bond with others and have a sense of belonging. With the Moon on the cards this month, a deep sense of connection awakens and deepens your innate desire to forge bonds with others in your orbit.

On the exoteric level, the Moon in the 5th mansion of life reminds you to be playful, not to take things too seriously with own family members. Engaging in play, fun and hobbies with loved ones can help to create healthy emotional bonds, a sense of togetherness helping you to move beyond past hurts and pain.

Connect with Your Soul Family

On an esoteric level, the Moon‘s influence this month gives you an opportunity to find, connect and build stronger metaphysical linkages with your soul family. Connecting with a community of souls who resonate with you on the same level, which is a heart-based resonance, is truly a wonderful experience.

It is an experience of coming home, home to your brothers and sisters who strive to have a soul-based relationship with life and work together, and individually, to heal, uplift and support other souls.

Follow Your Soul’s Promptings

During the month of December, every action you take counts. It is what I call a ‘Sorting Hat’ time. This is truly a time like no other to break through to an entirely new way of being and to create an entirely new reality in your life.

The fearless trailblazing energy of the zodiacal sign Aries gives you an unparalleled enthusiasm and a thrust to move forward and upward this month, helping you step outside of the familiar.

This is not the time to sit on your hands, wishing and waiting for something to change. It is a time to act, but be not to sure scatter your energy during the month as the spiritual energies intensify in the lead up to Christmas.

Follow your soul’s prompts, listen to your inner guidance and you will be right on track.

Give Yourself the Magickal Edge with Eighth Ray Ritual

What is Eighth Ray Ritual?

Eight Ray Ritual is the magickal act of setting a clear focus or intent and working with Eighth Ray Magic to effect positive and powerful change in one’s own life, in the world and in the greater universe. Eighth Ray Magic is a co-creative act that works with your magickal focus or intent and with the power of the heavens and the earth to positively change existing patterns and seed in new improved ones. With Eighth Ray ritual you can align with the celestial tides of power at any time by working magically and alchemically with the power, intelligence and co-creative wisdom of the planets, zodiacal signs and houses.


Here is a simple Eighth Ray Magic ritual that works with the Eighth Ray Flower of Venus Ritual© with the Porta Alchémica® alchemical formulations that correspond to this month’s celestial oracle focus.

The Focus for this Eighth Ray Ritual is:

to follow my soul’s promptings and create stronger authentic bonds with others

You can conduct this powerful manifestation ritual daily or whenever you wish.

Share your comments below. I’m interested to hear how this Live Magickally© Celestial Oracle is helping you to create the right focus for the month.

Have a truly magickal month!

Love and Magick

About the Author

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Spiritual Teacher, Master Soul Healer, Master Shamaness, Global Esoteric Hypnosis Authority, Author

For over 50 years my teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master soul healer, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magic my life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

On my blog, in my books and training programs and courses I share wisdom teachings to enable you to step into the magic and mystery of infinite possibilities and your limitless potential.

If you have heard the call to discover the magic within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then I look forward to connecting with you.

live magickally© astrological report

Year Ahead Transit
Astrology Report



Make every moment count. This insightful astrological report can help you:

  • Have an insight into the upcoming cycles in your life for the next 12 months
  • Be better prepared to plan major life events when the energy is supportive
  • Avoid getting frustrated when the energy is non-conducive 


A Real Christmas Story


Learn How You Can Access the Infinite Power of the Inner Light

Many people no longer feel that Christmas has a deep spiritual significance. Learn how you can take advantage of the powerful opportunities available at this time of the spiritual year. Learn about: 

  • Esoteric insight into the three festivals
  • The Christ Tide and the excitation of light within the being
  • Manifesting the Christ self 
  • And much more…



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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber