“I enrolled into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program because I heard a calling to learn shamanism after a dark night of my soul.
I found Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® and I considered it greatly before enrolling.
As a result of undertaking this program, I am awake in a way I have never been before. I am aware of new ways to connect to my strong intuition.
My life is forever changed. I now live by the lunar calendar and am awakened to my magic. I am a calmer, more patient and present woman.
I stopped smoking cigarettes (had my final quit), I released alcohol, I released caffeine, I lost unhealthy weight.
I also became an elder in my circles, even though I am somewhat younger, but experientially I am an elder.
Professionally I’ve stopped my part time work because I realized the importance of the time I have with my mother who is living with demetia, I am her caregiver. Also my husband is challenged by a blood disorder and I want to be with him as much as I can. They are very important to me.
Doing the shamanic journeys in a timely fashion (before the next phase of the moon) challenged me initially because I was very busy in my caregiving role. YET by grace I got through them and they were great teachers. I had to get my ego out of the way so I could be open to possibilities.
I’m grateful for these sacred teachings and will honor what I have learned and continue to apply all I have learned to my life.”
Valmarie Levine