Porta Alchémica® Holy Water

Purify and Sanctify


Porta Alchémica® Holy Water is specially prepared to address 21st century requirements and purposes. Use the blessings and magic of this pristine lustral water for spiritual revitalisation, individual devotion and spiritual cleansing or as a spiritual weapon to repel malign forces.

Holy Water

For countless ages holy water has been universally used as a sacrament for purifying, blessing, renewal, rebirth, benediction and connection to the divine. It has long been used to cleanse spiritual impurities, drive off evil forces and to protect against attacks from negative or demonic energies. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks used holy water as an agent of divine power to distinguish between the sacred and the profane.

  • Sprinkle or mist yourself, your house, car, office or any space you wish to cleanse, bless and protect
  • Sprinkle or mist on the children and pets for a blessing and protection
  • Pour or spray onto surfaces where food is prepared and consumed to keep the space energetically pristine
  • Add 4 capfuls to water to water being used for everyday use around the home, house or garden
  • Add 8 capfuls to your bath to relax, soothe yourself and bathe in divine grace.
  Download our Holy Water guide for more information on how you can use Holy Water to bless, protect and enhance your life. Use as part of an Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual© or Eighth Ray ritual of your choice Full information on Eighth Ray rituals can be found in the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation. Eighth Ray rituals form an integral part of what is taught in the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® online training programs, the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates©.
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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber