Will enable me to help my clients at a deeper level

“I have been using First Light Essences of New Zealand® for more than 20 years. I enroled into the First Light® Healers – The Healers Collection course because I wanted to extend my knowledge of the healer essences and go deeper in my understanding of them.

I enjoyed learning about the many ways I can work with the First Light Flower Essence of New Zealand® healers essences in everyday situations that I hadn’t really considered before.

This has given me more knowledge on how I can support my growth and holistic healing at a much deeper level and give me more confidence to help others.

Having this knowledge will enable me to help my clients at a deeper level too. Until now I have generally dowsed, but now I can see a whole new range of questions I can be asking that will enable me to work at more of the root cause of clients issues rather than at the personality level which is what they tend to ask for.

As a result of undertaking this course I am happier, calmer and more ME that I have ever been… my girls tell me to keep on doing what I have been doing because they really like the new me, so relationships have improved too.

My biggest challenge was finding the time to do the study as I am working on a biodynamic farm, so my hours are irregular and in my time off, I am physically tired. I also have so many interests that distract me. I finally had to decide that this was a priority and tell the boss I don’t start work until after morning tea so I can do this while I am fresh.

While I prefer in-person learning, studying this course online at my own pace has meant I had time to absorb and try the essences for different scenarios and go deeper than I would have been able to on a weekend in-person course. I can see the benefits.”

Anne Stuart-Menteath
Retired, Farmer, Health Coach, Teacher, New Zealand

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber