Expect the unexpected!

“I recently had the 2nd of five ‘Roadmap to Success’ appointments and was anticipating being guided to the next step in my life. Oh such a lesson in not having expectations. The session quickly took on a most unexpected turn and I was given the opportunity to work not only with my immediate future but with my subsequent lifetimes too! Oh my! What can I say? Certainly to expect the unexpected as Franchelle expertly fossicks out exactly what the real issue is and gives gentle encouragement to find a way through the maze of possibilities until a clear goal is in sight.

I felt supported and nurtured, as the extent of the issue became clear, and apprehension turned to delight as I saw what could be achieved with effort on my part and appropriate essences prescribed by Franchelle. I certainly could not have imagined where my Roadmap was going to lead me and am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to work on such a personal level with this esteemed Medicine Woman, Shaman, Astrologer.

I dare not imagine where my next three sessions might lead me, but I know it will be life changing and achievable. How grateful I am to have discovered this incomparable opportunity for growth and development.”

Mary Lowe

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Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber